Dr. Ken Grasing was snorkeling in Hawaii on Wednesday when he was bitten on the left arm by a 10-to-12-foot shark.
He and a large group were in around 5 feet of water and about 20 yards offshore on the south end of Hapuna Beach when the incident occurred.
The 58-year-old had lacerations to his left thigh and sever cuts to his left forearm.
He was taken to The Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu for treatment.
“There was commotion in the water and we responded. Initially we didn’t know what happened, then we saw bystanders dragging him in.”Lifeguard Paul Tucker told KMBC-TV
The shark was tracked by a Hawaii County Fire Department helicopter for about an hour. The fire department confirmed seeing stripes on the sharks back as it cruised just outside the surf line.

Special Operations Battalion Chief Gerald Kosaki told West Hawaii Today “This was an unusual case where the shark went away and came back.”
The location has been marked on the 2015 shark bites attack tracking map